Know The O Facts: Opioid Use Disorder Stigma Reduction PR Campaign
Project Name
Know The O Facts / Stigma Reduction PR Campaign
The Facts About Opioid Misuse Stigma
People, who struggle with addiction to opioids, such as prescription painkillers, heroin or other illicit drugs, face a wide range of stigmas. A stigma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person or group apart. When people are labeled because of their addiction, they are being negatively stereotyped. Biased, hurtful words, attitudes and behavior represent prejudices against people with substance use disorder, and often lead to their discrimination and social exclusion. Stigmas can also create physical and mental barriers to seeking treatment by people with an addiction.
PR Campaign Goals
Raise awareness that a person with an opioid use disorder is a disease that is treatable.
Change the way Hoosiers think about and treat people with an opioid use disorder and humanize their situation.
Promote the dignity and effectiveness of Medication-Assisted-Treatment (MAT) and recovery.
Evaluate stigma reduction messaging.
Educate Hoosiers about the signs of opioid use disorder signs.
The campaign focuses on the delivery of three strategic messages to reduce stigma associates with opioid use disorder:
1. Opioid Use Disorder is a disease.
2. There is treatment.
3. Recovery is possible.
Educating the public with these messages leads to understanding. Understanding points to empathy. Empathy points to hope.
Campaign materials were designed for the public to reduce stigma and the website provides tools to build awareness with details on how individuals and employers can get involved to help combat the opioid crisis.
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Radio Spot
00:15 PSA
00:30 PSA
Educational Training Video
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